We provide quality food
The Urbean Café will provide quality foods and beverages to a community of people using public transportation and anyone who just stops by for a visit. We are committed to using only local suppliers and offering great coffee at a competitive price.
We are staffed by those learning to become employable
As a nonprofit social venture, the Urbean Café will operate as a job training outlet to enhance the lives of the participants, increase the work readiness of our community, and further the mission of Broken Chains Ministry. We have identified two of the barriers to work as 1) The lack of job experience and 2) The lack of job skills. Both work experience and work skills need to be present to have successful employment, especially at a time when there is great competition for each job. We can foster this growth in our clients while providing a wonderful food experience for the good of our community.
We provide a unique setting to go with your coffee
A unique, upscale and innovative environment is required to provide customers with an atmosphere that will create socialization. The Urbean Café leadership passionately believes the decor and feel of the area should match the modern, well-designed Transit Center in which it is located.
We’re located in a strengthening community!
The community also benefits from the Urbean Café as the store becomes a source of trained and tested job candidates and an expanded base of taxpaying citizens. The café is built on a self-supporting business model that also serves a social purpose —in this case, a tangible path to self-sufficiency for people exiting poverty.